Used Bag Sealer

Bag sealers are used to seal either bags or pouches made of materials such as paper, plastic, and others, with different types of seals used depending on the type of material. Bags can be pasted or sewn, while plastic bags can undergo heating and pressure-sealing. Bags made of fabric such as cotton are often used for shipping loose products, while paper bags are often used for others such as flour. Bag sealing equipment can also seal bags using shrink wrap before they reach the heat tunnel.

Bag sealers are also available in automatic or semi-automatic models, depending on the application. While automatic bag sealing machines automatically seal the bag and tuck bag flaps, semi-automatic bag sealing equipment require operators to manually feed bags into sealers to complete sealing and tucking.

Browse our selection of used bag sealers below and find what you need for your system today.


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