When you need efficient and high quality machinery but have to
follow a tight budget, choose the Campbell Wrapper Revolution II
horizontal flow wrapper 2005, at High Performance Packaging. This
wrapper from Campbell is state of the art. It can handle web widths of up to
16 and speeds up to 600 PPM, depending on the size of the package and
packaging material. It comes with Allen Bradley Controls and a Panelview 1000
screen. It also has technology that ensures no product will be put through
unless there is packaging material available for it, and technology that
ensures products are in place before the material is cut for it. This saves you
from wasting packaging material or your product. This reconditioned Campbell
wrapper is a highly versatile machine that can handle many different types of
packaging materials, and it comes with a variety of spare and change parts. Get
it today from High Performance Packaging. Check out the video of the machine running. This machine is in excellent condition.