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Showing 101–200 of 1244 results
Equip-5185-Key Technologies ISO FLO Vibratory Feeder
Key ISO FLO vibratory feeder conveyor. This conveyor is in excellent condition. It was installed 2005 and was recently taken out of service. The dimensions are 24 wide x 72 long. This Key ISO FLO conveyor has a built in hopper that is28 x 60.Don’t pass up this opportunity to purchase this great conveyor
Equip-5187-Matrix Packaging Machinery – 2004 Matrix Snack Pro Packaging Machine
Many Matrix packaging machines are available at High
Performance Packaging, including the 2004 Matrix Snack Pro with Smart Jaw
technology. This packaging machine model is ideal for snack food operations,
with resistance style jaws for sealing laminated structures. It also contains a
poker for potato and tortilla chip packaging processes. Any products in stock
are ready for shipping immediately. for a free quote as well as
more technical specifications if needed, and visit our website for a full look
at our packaging product catalog, which continues to expand with new and
To supplement your packaging equipment purchases, we also offer
operator training services to ensure that your operators can effectively
utilize all of your packaging lines machinery. We understand that without the
proper training, even automated equipment wont run as optimally as it should.
Do you have any packaging machinery including Matrix-brand
equipment that you would like to sell? We purchase equipment and restore
it to near-perfect condition, making it ready for future packaging operations.
Contact us about selling any equipment you no longer wish to use, as long as
its capable of reconditioning.Equip-5188-Loma Systems IQ Metal Detector
This Loma Systems IQ metal detector comes with a
retracting conveyor, which includes the conveyor frame, assembly and catch bin
for rejected products. The aperture size is 30 1/2 wide and 5 high.
This metal detector is also stainless steel wash down, which means it’s ideal
for any USDA operation. If you would like more technical information about this
equipment, contact High Performance Packaging for details as well as a free
quote for any of our products.
Do you have any equipment in your packaging line that
needs replacing? Instead of disposing of this equipment, send it to us and we
will purchase it from you as well as sell you any new or packaging
machinery in our inventory. Recirculating older working equipment helps reduce
the costs of manufacturing and purchasing new models when they aren’t
Apart from machinery in your packaging line, equipment
operators are also necessary to maintain efficiency and keep your production
lines profitable. At High Performance Packaging, we understand the importance
of knowledgeable and well-trained staff, which is why we also offer training
services for operators in addition to our machinery and parts.Equip-5189-Loma Systems IQ2 Metal Detector
This Loma Systems IQ2 metal detector is a stainless
steel wash down model that comes with a retracting conveyor. The aperture size
for this model is 24 1/2 W and 5 H. It also comes with the conveyor
frame, retracting conveyor assembly and a catch bin for rejects. Use it for any
USDA packaging line operation. For more details and a free quote for this metal
detector or other products, contact High Performance Packaging.
In addition to selling new and packaging machinery, we
also purchase operational equipment from packaging facilities that no
longer need them. By circulating equipment, we help reduce the costs of purchasing
new equipment. Less manufacturing also means the use of fewer resources,
resulting in reduced manufacturing costs.
Do you want to make your packaging line run at optimum
efficiency? We also provide training services for packaging line equipment
operators, helping ensure your staff understand how to properly manage all of
the machinery in your facility. Your lines won’t suffer from low productivity
if your employees work as well as your machines.Equip-5190-Mettler Toledo Safeline Stainless Metal Detector
Looking for a reliable metal detector to utilize in your
packaging line? This Safeline stainless steel metal detector is ideal for
a variety of applications, and comes with a retracting conveyor and reject bin.
Its aperture dimensions are 29 1/2 w x 2 h, and it is a wash down
model that is perfect for any USDA operation. For additional specifications as
well as a free quote, contact High Performance Packaging.
To get the most use out of your packaging machinery and to
avoid potentially costly and frustrating downtime, preventative maintenance is
highly important. High Performance Packaging offers this service as well as
operator training to ensure your entire packaging line is operating in optimal
Are you trying to get rid of packaging equipment you don’t
need? Profit from it by selling it to us. Our goal is to help reduce the costs
of needless use of resources and manufacturing of new equipment by circulating
previously machinery that is still in working condition, helping both
manufacturing companies and packaging line managers.Equip-5191-Loma Systems IQ2 Metal Detector
If you want a metal detector that will make your packaging
line run more efficiently, consider this Loma Systems IQ2 metal detector,
which comes with a retracting conveyor. The aperture size on this model is
14 W x 6 H. This stainless steel wash down model also comes with
the conveyor frame, retracting conveyor assembly and the catch bin for rejected
products. It is ideal for USDA operations. If you would like more details about
this metal detector and a free quote, contact High Performance Packaging.
Do you have equipment you don’t need in your packaging line?
Sell it to High Performance Packaging, and we will restore and resell it. If
equipment is in working condition, we will continue to circulate it,
helping to reduce the need for costly manufacturing of new equipment. As a
result, the lowered costs of equipment also help production line managers
in their expenses.
Without personnel who know how to properly operate all of
the equipment in your facility, your production line will suffer because of the
lack of productivity. To prevent this from occurring, High Performance
Packaging offers operator training services to help maximize the efficiency of
your staff as well as your packaging equipment.Equip-5192-Hayssen Complete line, 12-16HR, Yamato ADW514SWH, Mezzanine, Vibratory Feeders, Allen Systems Bucket Elevator, Safeline Metal Detector
complete line – 1996 Hayssen 12-16HR macrologic packaging machinery This line is totally complete and everything you need to start packaging. This line is designed for a USDA operation. This complete Hayssen packaging line is in excellent condition and ready to go It includes:
1. Vibratory feeders before and after the bucket elevator.
2. Allen Systems bucket elevator. Total height is 16′ 10.
3. Vibratory crosshead feeder to feed product from the bucket elevator to the Yamato scales.
4. Yamato ADW 514 SWH sigma series scales
5. Stainless steel mezzanine with wash station for cleaning the scales is included
6. Safeline free fall metal detector
7. Hayssen 12-16HR macrologic stainless steel wash down bagger.
Do not wait Opportunities like this do not come around very often. Buy this turn key line and have us HPP install it for you.Equip-5193-Ishida 2000 Series CCW-M-214W-S/70-WP Scales
2000 Ishida CCW-M-214W-S/70-WP Scales. These scales are in excellent condition .They have already been powered up, tested, and are These 2000 Ishida CCW-M-214W-S/70-WP Scales have dimpled funnels, buckets, radial feeders, and product flow shrouds. These shrouds are perfect for products that can bridge at the top of the Pool Hoppers such as lettuce, beef jerky, large fish etc… These Ishida scales also include a dual direction timing hopper. Do not wait to purchase these rare and very hard to find scales These will not last long
Equip-5194-Allen Systems E66004 Bucket Elevator
Allen systems Bucket Elevator This bucket elevator has large buckets This Allen Systems bucket elevator has 15′ discharge, with a 6′ length disharge. This bucket elevator is designed to move high volume product. The bucket dimensions are 12.5 wide x 9.5 width x 5 deep. If you are in need of a high volume bucket elevator do not miss this opportunity
WATCH THE VIDEO TO SEE IT RUN.Equip-5196-FMC Food Tech Vibratory Feeder
FMC Food Tech Vibratory feeder This FMC Food Tech Vibratory feeder is in excellent like new condition. This FMC Food Tech Vibratory feeder is perfect for feeding product to bucket elevators and or fillers for packaging equipment. This FMC Food Tech Vibratory feeder is USDA rated. The overall height is 48. The hopper is 36 x 58. The feeder pan is 13 x 5 x 99 long. This unit is plug and play .
Equip-5197-Ishida S Model Packaging Line Scales
Ishida S model scales We have 6 units in stock. We can refurbish them for you or you can buy them as is If you use Ishida S model scales in your operation and need more or need some extra scales for parts. These are the machines for you Make us an offer for all six as is or have us refurbish them for you. All the buckets and vibratory feeders are in the 2 totes.
Equip-5198-Unknown Manufacturer 90 Degree Takeaway Conveyor
Stainless wash down takeaway conveyor . This is a very nice conveyor. The belt is approximately 9 wide. It is in running condition and ready to go
Equip-5199-Key Technologies ISO FLO Vibratory Conveyor
Key ISO FLO vibratory conveyor This unit is in excellent condition. It is designed to feed product to combination weighers like Ishida and Yamato. The vibratory pan is 24 w x 96 l x 6 d. This Key ISO FLO vibratory conveyor is perfect for wash down USDA environments.
Equip-5200-Koch Packaging Ultravac 2100 Vacuum Sealer
This Koch Packaging Ultravac 2100 keeps products
fresh and eliminates freezer burn during the packaging process. Pozi Pressure
radius surface sealing forces moisture and contaminants out of the seal area
for a clean leak resistant package. Whether its meat, poultry, cheese, fish,
seafood, or produce that you need to preserve, the Ultravac 2100 is the most
dependable, simple-to-operate double chamber vacuum packaging machine available
in the marketplace, with a greater volume per cycle. Up to 15,000 4×6
packages are sealed per eight hour shift with Ultravac 2100s large chamber
area. For a free quote call High Performance Packaging today. If you are unsure
about the productivity of your operators in your product packaging processes,
consider the training services that High Performance Packaging offers to make
sure that your operators utilize all of the equipment you purchase from us, as
well as the packaging machines you already own. We want to help make sure that
each customer is able to get full use out of their reconditioned packaging
equipment.Equip-5201-Ishida CCW-Z-216-S/30-PB Scale
Ishida scales CCW-Z-216-S/30-PB . This scale is in excellent running condition. It was converted from a twin discharge to a single discharge to achieve faster speeds. This is a must have. Don’t wait or you will missout on this opportuntiy
Equip-5202-3M-Matic 700r Case Sealer
3M-Matic 700r Case Sealer . Make us an offer
Equip-5203-3M-Matic 200A Case Sealer
3M-Matic 200A case sealer . Make us an offer
Equip-5204-Mettler Toledo Safeline SL2000 Metal Detector
For packaging line managers looking for a metal detector to
improve their packaging line efficiency, this Safeline SL2000 metal
detector is ideal. It is in pristine condition and has an aperture size of
3.5 h x 10 w. This machine is ready to ship, and if you would like
more technical specifications or a free quote for this product, contact High
Performance Packaging today.
One of the keys to keeping your packaging lines running at
maximum efficiency is to have periodic preventative maintenance checks. We
offer this service in addition to our equipment to help ensure that you don’t suffer
from downtime that is otherwise avoidable. We also provide operator training to
keep employees knowledgeable about all of your packaging line’s machinery.
To help keep the costs of manufacturing equipment low along
with purchasing costs, we are actively involved in recycling any equipment
that people no longer want. We will purchase any packaging line machinery that
is in working condition and even fully refurbish it at buyers’ requests,
maximizing their longevity.Equip-5205-Mettler Toledo Safeline Ishida Check Weigher Combo
If your packaging line is in need of a reliable check weigher,
consider this Safeline SL2000 Ishida DACS-W-003-SB/PB check weigher
combo, which has a 3.5 x 10 aperture on the metal detector. The
check weigher’s weighing table measures 12 long. For more technical
specifications and a quote for this or any other product of ours, contact High
Performance Packaging today. We will give you as much information as you want
to assure you that all of our equipment will work for you.
In order to keep your machinery working the way it should, it’s
important to get preventative maintenance checks on a periodic basis. We not
only offer preventative maintenance services, but we also provide operator
training to ensure that your employees keep your production lines running at
maximum efficiency.
Do you have packaging equipment such as a worn check
weigher? We will purchase any machinery that you have as long as it is in
working condition. By recycling packaging machines, equipment
manufacturing costs are reduced and packaging line managers can experience the
benefit of quality equipment at lower prices.Equip-5206-Preferred Packaging 2001 Model PP361060
This Preferred Packaging shrink tunnel 2001 model PP361060 is at High Performance Packaging. Manufactured in 2001. The in-feed dimensions for this shrink tunnel are 37 wide x 11 high. At High Performance Packaging, all of the equipment we acquire is fully refurbished to ensure full functionality. If you would like to get a quote for this product and other shrink wrapping equipment, call High Performance Packaging or contact us online today. Well also provide you with more information, including technical specs, for this and other packaging machines. If you would like to further enhance your product packaging processes, we also offer professional training to help operators contribute to your packaging lines overall efficiency. After all, employee productivity is just as crucial to a packaging line as properly working equipment.
Equip-5207-Key Technologies 2002 Bucket Elevator
Key Technologies Bucket Conveyor This conveyor is in excellent condition. This conveyor has a 48 infeed x 13’3 discharge height x 41 discharge length. The conveyor is 18 wide with 4 deep cleats. This conveyor is a full wash down model. If you want the best in product conveying equipment don’t miss this opportunity
Equip-5208-Weighpack V-9 In-Line QL/TP Scales
Weighpack V-9 in-line scales This machine is perfect for parts. It is missing the weight buckets but has just about everythin else so if you are in need of parts at a great price this is the scale for you This is a wash down machine. It also comes with extra load cells and vibratory coils and bases.
Equip-5209-Mettler Toledo Safeline Free Fall Metal Detector
This Mettler Toledo Safeline metal detector is useful for
nearly any packaging line and comes with a diverter gate and reject chute, and
has a 7 aperture. For detailed technical specifications about this
product or any others that are on sale, contact High Performance Packaging. We
are happy to provide a free quote for you.
Not all packaging machines work the same way, of course, which
is why we offer operator training services for our customers as well as new and
packaging equipment. Having employees who understand how to run your
packaging line is as necessary as utilizing fully operational machinery. We
also offer preventative maintenance services to ensure that any products you
purchase from us continue to work optimally.
If you would rather sell any of your packaging machines than
simply purchase replacement machinery or parts, we will buy your equipment
if it is in working condition. We are also able to refurbish any equipment
at the buyer’s request, keeping older equipment working as well as it did when
it was originally manufactured.Equip-5210-Unknown Manufacturer Conveyor for VFFS Machines
takeaway conveyor This conveyor is perfect for taking bags from any VFFS machine like Hayssen, Matrix, etc… This unit is a stainless steel wash down unit. It can be in any operation FDA or USDA.
Equip-5211-Yamato Corp. ADW416 MH Twin Discharge Scales
Yamato ADW416 MH Twin Discharge Scales This scale is a 2006 all stainless steel, wash down model with dimpled buckets and vibratory feeders. It also is a twin discharge scale capable of speeds up to 190 WPM. This is a great scale so you
Equip-5212-KHS Bartelt RPM 100
Are you looking to expand your packaging line without going
over budget? If so, you should consider this Bartelt RPM 100 from
High Performance Packaging. This Bartelt RPM 100 is currently in production,
and though it is a model, it is in great condition following restoration
performed by our reconditioning staff. Bag sizes range from 4 to
7-1/4 widths and 4 to 10 heights. If you need an RPM machine,
consider this quality KHS Bartelt machine for your packaging line. Bartelt is a
well-known and reliable manufacturer, and were sure youll be pleased with
your purchase. If you are interested, call us for more information about this
product and receive a quote today. Not only will we provide you with efficient
reconditioned packaging equipment, but we can also provide training for machine
operators, so that when you are ready to implement the new machinery into your
production plan, you wont have to spend more time training employees on new
machinery. Contact us todayEquip-5213-ARPAC 2010 Fully Automatic ARPAC RTAC 404 Conveyor
Get this fully automatic 2010 model ARPAC RTAC 404 pallet
wrapper for your packaging line from High Performance Packaging. This machine
has already been professionally removed and palletized for immediate shipment.
It is ideal for many pallet wrapping applications. It comes with a 52 BF
CDLR conveyor with rollers that are 4 OC. It also comes with two sets of
5′-long CDLR infeed conveyors, 10′ wrap conveyors and 5′ CDLR outfeed
conveyors. Normally, this product is more than $101,000 when new, but you can
purchase this product for less. For a free quote as well as additional
specifications, contact us online or by phone today.
If you would like to sell any equipment that’s a detriment
rather than an asset to your packaging line, then contact us about selling the
machinery to us. We accept machines in a variety of conditions. As long as it
is functional, we will take what you no longer need in your facility.
In addition to purchasing and selling equipment, we also
provide operator training services to help make sure your production lines are
running the way they should. You won’t have to worry about a lack of
productivity or efficiency with fully trained operators.Equip-5214-Schib Packaging CO 50 BB Horizontal Wrapper
Add this Schib inverted flow wrapper to your packaging
system today. This machine from High Performance Packaging is still on the OEM
crate and ready to ship. And whats better, its versatile — the maximum
product width is 200mm, maximum height is 100mm, and bag length range is
70-530mm.This easy-to-operate machine also has a maximum speed of 150PPM,
perfect for bringing exceptional efficiency to your packaging line. If you are
in need of a cost-effective flow wrapper to further improve your product
packaging process, consider purchasing , reconditioned machines from High
Performance Packaging. We are dedicated to selling high quality, top-name
brands at prices that wont hurt your budget, and if you are looking for a
horizontal wrapping machine, youll love this model from Schib. Contact us
today for more information about our packaging machine or for a product quote.
We even offer training services for packaging machine operators, so your
packaging line employees will be fully prepared to use your new equipment.Equip-5215-Masipack Ultra VS-300 Bagging Machine with MXCP 20/4 SS Scale
Looking for the perfect vertical form, fill and seal packaging machine for your production line? Consider this Masipack Ultra VS-300 bagging machine. The features of this bagger include:
Allen Bradley PLC Micrologix and Allen-Bradley panel view touch-screen PV700
Up to 10 different jobs can be stored in the software.
Bag width from 50 mm up to 300 mm (2- 12).
Bag length from 100 mm up to 480 mm (4 18 ¾).
Bag film pull belt system driven by two independent AC motors controlled by an AC motor drive.
Horizontal sealing jaw driven by servomotor.
Vertical sealing jaw driven by pneumatic system.
Temperature of sealing jaws controlled by Allen-Bradley PLC.
Film supply driven automatically by powered rollers, no spindle allows for quick changeover. A floating pendulum and 4 sensors maintain consistent film travel reducing the wear on the pull belts.
Maximum film width of 630 mm (24 ¾) and maximum roll diameter of 450mm (17 ¾).
End of film sensor, automatically stops machine when film ends.
Automatic film alignment.
Registration sensor.
Zigzag style knife.
Electrical and mechanical panel with easy access.
Pneumatic System FESTO
All parts in contact with product made of stainless steel.
Carbon steel structure.
Color: Titanium (gray). Electrostatic powder paint.
Door sensors. Stops the machine when doors open.
This model comes with an MXCP20/4 SS scale for mixing, which features:
Pneumatic driven buckets for IP65.
Independent vibrating channels.
Auto-tare in all heads to correct any deviation during production.
Minimum weight of 10 grams and maximum weight of 2000 grams.
Intervals between bucket discharge that’s programmable via touch screen control panel.
Allen-Bradley panel view touch screen – not IP-65
Masipack control
Up to 40 different jobs can be stored in the software.
Scale prepared for 4 mixing products
Stainless steel construction
For a free quote for this or any other product High Performance Packaging offers, contact us today.Equip-5216-Meyer Industries Stainless Steel Bucket Elevator
Meyer Bucket Elevator This meyer bucket elevator is all stainless steel wash down. It has a 8′ infeed length,m 14’6 discharge height, and a 40 discharge length. The buckets are 15 x 6 x 3. This is a really nice bucket elevator It is .If you need a bucket elevator this is the one
Equip-5217-American Food Equipment Company Screw Conveyor
American Food Equipment Screw Conveyor
American food equipment company stainless model 150 screw conveyor. 208v 3 phase.
Quick-release shaft seals
Hinged covers with locks
Mounted on casters
All interior welds ground smooth
Drip pan under discharge bearing
Sanitary sub-frame with pneumatic pivot
Variable speed
Heavy duty flights (1/4-3/8 thick)
Flute troughs
The intake is 37 wide and 22 deep.
The screw has a diameter of 9.5 inches
The height of the unit is 83Equip-5218-Ilapak Smart Wrapper
In the market for new or packaging equipment? Get a new or
Ilapak Smart Wrapper from High Performance Packaging. Ilapak is the leader in
manufacturing flexible packaging machinery, making this machine an ideal choice
for your production line.This horizontal flow, form, fill and seal Smart
Wrapper is a high quality yet cost effective solution to flow wrapping your
products, no matter what industry you work infood or otherwise. Its user interface is easy to learn, and in
no time you can enjoy a quick-working HFFS machine on your line. Call High
Performance Packaging today to learn more details about this packaging machine
and receive a quote. Our machinery will allow your packaging process to run efficiently
while preventing costly maintenance expenses and other inconveniences with
packaging equipment. We specialize in offering our clients the best of the best
packaging machine, and we offer , reconditioned, and new models of all the
top brands you trust, including this Ilapak HFFS machine.Equip-5219-Multivac R5200/10
Get the high quality Multivac R5200/10 thermoform machine for
sale at High Performance Packaging today. A 1995 model, this thermoform machine
was fully functional when it was taken out of operation, and all thats needed
is your specific dies. This model comes with the forming station VAC Busch CRM
100 vacuum pump.The sealing station was originally on a central vacuum
system. It has a less than one-year-old Servo amp and motor. The index length
is 416mm, the top film width is 401mm, and the bottom film widthis 420mm.
It also comes with an extra servo amp and motor as well, and all the manuals
are included. The chains are only 5 years old and ingood condition, and
the rest of the machine is restored as well. High Performance Packaging is
dedicated to providing customers with the best packaging machinery
available anywhere. All of the previously equipment that we acquire is
fully restored to optimal working condition. Call us to discuss your packaging
needs and attain a free quote today.Equip-5220-Ishida CCW-M-216W D/20-WP Scale System
Ishida Scale CCW-M-216W D/20-WP with Key ISO FLO vibratory feeder, Key bucket conveyor, with stainless steel washdown mezzanine with washdown sink This is a complete system . This system is perfect for low profile thermoform or any multi dump applications. This scale has two timing hoppers for twin discharge with two separate over weight discharge chutes.
Equip-5221-FMC Food Tech Scale Vibratory Feeder
vibratory feeder for scale applications. This vibratory feeder is simple to install and ready to go. If you need a vibratory feeder to feed Ishida or Yamato scales this is the one for you. The vibratory pan is 12w x 43l. It comes with a new controller as well.
Equip-5222-Ishida CCW-M-214W-S/30-WP Wash Down Scale
2002 Ishida M Model scales CCW-M-214W-S/30-WP This wash down dimpled scale is perfect for just about any product. It is designed for USDA applications such as meat, dairy, and vegetables. It is in excellent condtion and This scale will go fast
Equip-5223-Goodman Packaging – Prototype Prototype Goodman Model 020 Case packer
Automatic, intermittent motion, S/S, case erector / packer / sealer, H/M, capable of speeds up to 150 ppm, or 12 cpm depending on application. All S/S contruction, cases size range of : 8 – 20 L x 6 – 14 W x 5 – 12 H, with a 65 L x 16 W blank case magazine, and two station (2) suction cup vacuum pick place, case opener, bottom flap closers, and tamp compression station. Pnuematic side case clamp’s move case’s thru pack section to top seal section. Has 108 L x 10 W plastic flex-link product infeed conveyor, two (4) suction cup packing heads, top flap closers, with compression clamps, and a single head ram case discharge.Nordson all S/S Microset Multiscan (4) gun H/M glue system, with Auqa Guard, electrical panel, has a A/B SLC 5/05 controller, with panel view, interlock barrier saftey guarding, and statis light bar.
Equip-5224-Hayssen 8-12HR Twin Volumetric Fillers
Get these Hayssen 8-12 twin tube servo driven machines with volumetric fillers at HP Packaging. These Hayssen have been upgraded with servomotors for the measuring roller and pull belts. The jaws are also equipped with hole punches. The volumetric fillers have a maximum capability of 3 x 6, and they also come with two extra sets of forming tubes. This filling machine also comes with Norwood hot stamp printers. Each of the three Hayssen machines in stock is a high-speed runner, capable of filling 110 bags per minute on each side.
Equip-5225-Campbell Revolution II DOM 2005 Wrapper
When you need efficient and high quality machinery but have to
follow a tight budget, choose the Campbell Wrapper Revolution II
horizontal flow wrapper 2005, at High Performance Packaging. This
wrapper from Campbell is state of the art. It can handle web widths of up to
16 and speeds up to 600 PPM, depending on the size of the package and
packaging material. It comes with Allen Bradley Controls and a Panelview 1000
screen. It also has technology that ensures no product will be put through
unless there is packaging material available for it, and technology that
ensures products are in place before the material is cut for it. This saves you
from wasting packaging material or your product. This reconditioned Campbell
wrapper is a highly versatile machine that can handle many different types of
packaging materials, and it comes with a variety of spare and change parts. Get
it today from High Performance Packaging. Check out the video of the machine running. This machine is in excellent condition.Equip-5226-Wulftec M.J. Maillis WCRT-200 Orbital Stretch Wrapper 2005
Get some of the best pallet wrapping machines at High
Performance Packaging, including this 2005 model Wulftec M.J. Maillis WCRT-200
stretch wrapper. This orbital stretch wrapping machine comes with a 25′ x
52 chain-driven live roller pallet cover, which sits 36 above
ground with a 19 1/2 film roll. Allen-Bradley and Powerflex 40 electrical
controls are on the right hand side of the machine, and they operate at
480v-3ph-60hz. The system can wrap up to 100 loads per hour at 17 RPM, helping
to maximize productivity in your facility. If you would like a quote for this
product as well as additional specifications, contact us online or by phone.
If you already have a stretch wrapper that you would like to
replace, you can sell that equipment to us while shopping for the replacement
machine. Purchasing and reselling packaging equipment allows packaging lines to
get the most out of this machinery. Subsequently, the costs of manufacturing
and purchasing new equipment are lowered, making the circulation of
machinery more economical.
High Performance Packaging also provides preventative
maintenance programs to keep your machines running effectively. We also offer
operator training services to help keep your packaging line employees
knowledgeable and productive. Learn more about these services by contacting us
today.Equip-5227-Mettler Toledo Hi-Speed Hi Speed Pharma Checkweigher
For pharmaceutical production lines, consider getting this
Mettler Toledo Hi Speed pharmaceutical checkweigher. It is in excellent
condition and comes with a 600grm-capacity weighing table for products.
Integrate it in a new production line or add it to an existing one as an
upgrade. It is available for shipping immediately. Simply contact us online
today for a free quote.
Would you like to sell any of your packaging equipment
prior to purchasing this or other products from High Performance Packaging? We
accept many different types of packaging equipment for various packaging line
applications. If you have machinery in working condition that you no longer
need, sell them to us and feel free to purchase another new or model of
equipment from us.
If you have staff that could benefit from additional
training, particularly with packaging equipment models they’re not to
using, High Performance Packaging offers operator training to help keep your
packaging lines as efficient as they can potentially be. With trained operators
working your machines, you’ll be able to benefit from both top quality
machinery and knowledgeable employees who keep them running at maximum
efficiency.Equip-5228-Weigh Right 2002 PMB Two-Lane Scale
This Weigh Right scale is in excellent condition. It is a 2 lane linear scale. This two lane scale comes complete with the infeed hopper and everything you need to get started weighing your products reliably and at a low cost. If you are in need of a low cost solution that is ready to go, this is the scale for you. This scale can weigh up to 30 cycles per minute. 1oz-8oz at up oto 30 cpm, 8oz to 2lbs up to 20cpm, 2lbs -5lbs 12-16cpm, and up to 10lbs at 6cpm.
Equip-5229-PPM Technologies Bulk Product Conveyors
PPM Technologies bulk product conveyors . We have two conveyors. Your choice or take both. The low side conveyor is 21 wide and 21′ long. The high side conveyor is 45 wide and 21′ long. Do not miss out on this opportunity.
Equip-5230-Mettler Toledo Hi-Speed Micromate Packaging Checkweigher
This fully functional Mettler Toledo Micromate checkweigher
is in great condition. It can weigh products of up to 100 cpm. The last product
it ran was 12 w x 12 l x 6 h, and it ran at a speed of 60 ppm. Contact High
Performance Packaging at any time for more detailed specifications and pricing.
Well gladly send you a free quote for this product.
Have any packaging machines or parts you want to sell? We buy
packaging equipment that facilities no longer need, and refurbish them
upon request. If you believe your packaging machinery is defunct when its still
in working condition, we will find use for it in other applications. By
purchasing and circulating packaging parts and machines, we he_lp reduce
manufacturing costs and prices of new equipment, maintaining the efficiency of
the business end of the packaging industry.
In order to maximize the efficiency of your
packaging lines, you need to have operators who understand how to properly
operate all of your machines. We offer operator training as well as equipment
to make sure your packaging lines run the way they should, with productive
staff behind your machines.Equip-5231-Hayssen / Yamato Macrologic Packaging Machine
Hayssen Macrologic 12-16HR machine with a Yamato Scale This combination also includes the mezzanine.
Equip-5232-Weighpack 3-Lane AEF-1-TL/TP/MS Scales
Weighpack 3 Lane Linear Scale This scale is in like new condition. IT is rated for .5oz to 5lb fills. Stainless Stell construction.
Equip-5233-TNA 2Ci Robag Continuous Motion Bagger
This TNA 2Ci Robag bagging machine is available to help
make your packaging lines run at the maximum level of efficiency. This model
2Ci bagger features rotary jaw and computer controls, and with the continuous
motion system, your production line will be able to experience productivity
youre unlikely to see with many other models. While this product is ready for
sale, High Performance Packaging can also fully refurbish this machine as per
the buyers request.
Production lines requiring more efficient operators along with
equipment will benefit from our operator training services as well. We want to
make sure that you are getting the most out of your packaging lines, and that
entails having employees who fully understand how to use any equipment you
High Performance Packaging also purchases
equipment from businesses that can no longer find any use for them. If you
would like to sell any of your un packaging equipment, even if its no
longer usable, we can buy it from you and restore it to working condition for
future use. This helps cut the costs associated with manufacturing and selling
new equipment when it isnt necessary .Equip-5234-Icore Ramsey AC9000P Checkweigher with Scout Metal Detector
Want to increase the efficiency of your packaging line? This
Icore Ramsey Auto Check 9000 Plus checkweigher and Scout metal detector
combo will help make your packaging lines run the way you want them to. This
particular unit was calibrated in 2013, and runs excellently. For more
technical details about this product and a free quote, contact High Performance
Packaging today.
At High Performance Packaging, we not only sell new and
packaging machinery and parts, but we also purchase unneeded equipment. Instead
of disposing your equipment, we give you the chance to profit from it when you
sell it to us. This reduces the costs and resources needed to manufacture new
machinery while helping customers save on equipment as well.
Relying on newly purchased packaging machines alone wont
maximize efficiency in your facility. In order for your packaging lines to run
the way they should, its important to ensure your employees know how to
properly operate all of the equipment. To help increase productivity, we also
provide operator training services in addition to new and machinery.Equip-5235-Kliklok Woodman Compak Clipper Bagger
This Kliklok Woodman clipper is available at High
Performance Packaging, and comes with Spectra scales as well. This bagging
machine combo also comes with the mezzanine. These pieces of equipment are in
working condition and ready to help make your bagging operations more efficient
in your packaging lines. Request a free quote as well as more technical details
about this equipment and other types of packaging machinery when you contact us
This bagger can run efficiently with a variety of products and
integrate into your packaging line. If your staff is unfamiliar with the
features of this machine, or if a bagger/weigher is a new extension of your
existing packaging systems, we can help. The experts at High Performance
Packaging can provide training on this model and any other machine we sell. As
part of the machinery sale, or as support after the unit is integrated into
your production line, we can deliver the training services necessary to help
make sure your operators productivity is maximized.
Looking to sell your packaging equipment that isnt needed
anymore? We purchase packaging machinery that is still in working
condition. By purchasing this equipment and reselling it, we eliminate the
unnecessary manufacturing of new equipment and reduce costs for packaging line
managers in the process.Equip-5236-Ishida CCW-M-210W-S/30-PB Scale System
Ishida CCW-M-210W-s/30-PB scales This scale is in great working condition. It was filling nuts and snacks. IT is a 10 head M model dimpled scale. The dimpled buckets are good for running any sticky type products.
Equip-5237-Ilapak VT 1000 Vertical Packaging Machine
This 2001-model Ilapak VT 1000 vertical packaging machine
was in production up until the
previous plant utilizing it closed down. It is ideal for sealing heat sealable
materials like polypropylene, laminates, polyethylene and barrier films. Would
you like to know more about this product and others that High Performance
Packaging? for more specifications and a quote for any of our
packaging equipment.
Good bagging equipment isnt useful without operators who have
the expertise and knowledge to effectively run it. We offer operator training
services for packaging line operators, keeping them educated on how to maintain
the equipments productivity. Youll be able to get the most use out of all of
your machinery with more skilled operators.
Not only can you purchase equipment from us, but you can also sell it to us. Any packaging machinery you send to us is fully
reconditioned for use in other facilities, including vertical packaging
machines. We accept any brand of equipment, as long as it is in a restorable
condition.Equip-5238-Unknown Manufacturer Scale Platform Mezzanine
10′ x 10′ scale platform mezzanine .
Equip-5239-Ilapak and Ishida VT 1000 Bagger & Scales
complete Ilapak and Ishida VFFS packaging line This complete system includes the Ilakpa VT1000 bagger, Ishida M model scaels, Deamco Bucket Elevator, and the mezzanine. If you need a complete system and need it fast, this is the system for you. Don’t wait it won’t last long.
Equip-5240-Altamat and Ishida VFFS Header Card Packaging Machine
Altamat VFFS header card packaging machine with Ishida scales This complete system includes The Altamat bagger, M model Ishida scales, Deamco Bucket Elevator, and the mezzanine. Do not miss out on this opportunity to be up and running fast. Each item can be sold seperately.
Equip-5241-Unknown Manufacturer Takeaway Conveyor
Stainless Steel Takeaway Conveyor This conveyor is perfect for taking finished bags from a VFFS packagin machine up to packa level. This unit is complete and operational.
Equip-5242-Deamco VCNF-U-18″ x 6′ x 8′ Vibratory Feeder
Deamco Vibratory Feeder This feeder is perfect fro feeding products into a bucket elevator. This vibratory feeder is perfect for sugary candy or salty snacks. This vibratory feeder is designed to remove any loose sugar or salt from product before it gets to the bucket elevator.
Equip-5243-Deamco Belt Conveyor with Hopper Sides
Deamco belt conveyor This belt feeder is perfect for feeding product into another vibratory feed or a bucket covneyor.It also has hopper sides for bulk feeding product.
Equip-5244-Deamco MDL BES-12P-T-X-S Bucket Elevator
Deamco Bucket Elevator This bucket elevator is perfect for feeding product up to Ishida and Yamato scales on a mezzanine. This bucket elevator has a very long reach so you can feed product rigth on top of the scales. The buckets are 9 x 4 x 4. The discarge is 14′.
Equip-5245-Deamco MDL BES-PP-T Bucket Elevator
1998 Deamco Bucket Elevator Thiws bucket elevator has a very long reach for feeding product directly on top of Iahida ot Yamato scales. The discharge is 14′ The bucket size is 11 x 4 x 4.
Equip-5246-Ilapak Carrera 500M Flow Wrapper
1999 Ilapak Carrera 500M Flow Wrapper This Ilapak 500 M flow wrapper is an awesome machine. As you can see…the electrical cabinet is in immaculate condition. It has a 30 foot infeed section for loading multiple items at a very high rate of speed. If you need to run and run fast this is the machine for you. It also includes tilt tray loading stations. All you need is the platic trays and you are up and running. This is a contract packers dream machine The serial number is 99058. Packagin length range is 50mm – 450mm. Package width range is 20mm-230mm. Package height is up to 90mm. This machine can run up to 100CPM with the single jaw configuration.
Equip-5247-Altamat R108 Duplex VFFS Header Card Machine
Altamat R108 Header Card applicator Header Card machine This machine applys header cards to the top of bags for hanging pegboard style bags. If you are tires of the old DoBoy header card machines and want to aaply header cards automatically this is the machine for you
Equip-5249-Unknown Manufacturer Mezzanine & Basin
Ishida or Yamato Wash Down Mezzanine This mezzanine includes a 3 sink wash down basin with bucket hangers. If you need an inexpensive washdown mezzanine for your operation this is the one. Do not delay, it won’t last long. Scale not included.
Equip-5250-Eriez HD-46 SS Stainless Steel Vibratory Feeder
Like New in the crate Eriez HD-46 Ss Stainless Steel Vibratory Feeder This unit is Stainless Steel wash down. It is still in the OEM crate. It has never been . The pan dimensions are 38 long x 10 wide x 5 deep. THis unit also includes the control cabinet.
Equip-5251-KHS Bartelt IM 7-14 Packaging Machine
Bartelt IM 7-14 HFFS packaging machine This Bartelt IM 7-14 packaging machineincludes two auger fillers. This machine can be rerfurbished upon request. If you need a good Bartelt machine this is the one for you.
Equip-5252-Unitrak Bucket Elevator
Unitrak Bucket Elevator This machine is perfect for VFFS and HFFS applications. It has a 13′ dicharge height.
Equip-5253-AMI Recpro Top Zip
This AMI Recpro Top Zip VFFS Zipper from High Performance
Packaging is a reliable machine to utilize in your packaging lines. It is in
excellent condition and is ready to operate in any VFFS application. If you
want more technical information about this packaging machine and the many
others that we have online, contact us today and we will also provide
a free quote for any product.
If you want your packaging line operators to make full use of
the machines you purchase, consider the operator training services we offer. We
will keep your operators on top of all of your facilitys equipment to ensure
your production lines are running the way they should. This will help prevent
lost profits ca by low productivity and inexperience.
For equipment that you no longer want to use in your packaging
lines, there is another way to profit from them. In addition to selling
packaging machinery, we also purchase many types of equipment from businesses.
Machinery that is still in working condition may still last for years,
providing a more inexpensive means of production for other facilities than
needlessly purchasing new equipment.Equip-5254-Ishida Ishida CCW-RZ-216B-D/30-WP
Ishida CCW-RZ-216B-D/30-WP These scales are in excllent condition. They are 16 head system twin discharge scales with booster hoppers totalling 32 heads that can be in a combinationBecasue of the 16 head with booster hopper totallign 32 heads, the max speed is 240 CPM.All stainless wash down with dimpled buckets. . If you need a scale like this do not wait this won’t last long.
Equip-5255-Ishida Ishida CCW-RZ-216B-D/30-WP
Ishida CCW-RZ-216B-D/30-WP These scales are in excllent condition. They are 16 head system twin discharge scales with booster hoppers totalling 32 heads that can be in a combinationBecasue of the 16 head with booster hopper totallign 32 heads, the max speed is 240 CPM.All stainless wash down with dimpled buckets. . If you need a scale like this do not wait this won’t last long.
Equip-5256-Ishida Ishida CCW-RZ-216B-D/30-WP
Ishida CCW-RZ-216B-D/30-WP These scales are in excllent condition. They are 16 head system twin discharge scales with booster hoppers totalling 32 heads that can be in a combinationBecasue of the 16 head with booster hopper totallign 32 heads, the max speed is 240 CPM.All stainless wash down with dimpled buckets. . If you need a scale like this do not wait this won’t last long.
Equip-5257-Hayssen SV 12-19HPR 2007
Hayssen 2007 SV 12-19HPR servo driven stainless wash down bagger with Hayssen Zipper Applicator This Hayssen SV12-19HPR bagger is in immaculate condition It includes a gusset assembly and a Hayssen zipper applicator
Equip-5258-Hayssen 12-16 HP Continuous Motion Bagger
Hayssen 12-16 HP continuous Motion Bagger This machine is amazing It is a continous motion bagger wash down set up to run Polyethylene film.
Equip-5260-Heat & Control Fastback 200A Packaging Conveyor
Heat Control Fastback 200A conveyor These fastback conveyors 200A models are for supplying product to Ishida and Yamato scales. These are the best product ditribution conveyors you can buy Do not miss out on these. The dimensions are 18 wide x 8′ long.
Equip-5261-Heat and Control Fastback 200A Conveyor
Heat Control Fastback 200A conveyor These fastback conveyors 200A models are for supplying product to Ishida and Yamato scales. These are the best product distribution conveyors you can buy Do not miss out on these. The dimensions are 18 wide x 8′ long.
Equip-5262-Meyer Industries Simplex Bucket Elevator
Meyer Bucket Elevator . This Meyer bucket elevator is perfect for any dry good products. The overall height isd 17′, the discharge height is 14’7 high, discharge length is 6′, Infeed length is 4′. This bucket elevator is capable of conveying up to 19,845lbs per hour or 567 Cu.Ft./ 35 lbs/Cu. Ft. This Meyer conveyor is your answer to high volume product transfer needs.
Equip-5263-Zip-Pak RD25LH VFFS & HFFS Zipping Equipment
If you need efficient zipper application for your products,
consider this Zip Pak zipper applicator RD25LH for your VFFS or HFFS
applications. It is in excellent condition and will contribute to the overall
efficiency of your packaging lines. For more information about specifications
and a free quote, contact High Performance Packaging today.
Would you like to sell your equipment when buying
packaging machine replacements? We also purchase equipment that is in working
condition to resell. This helps eliminate the need to manufacture new
equipment, and reduces the costs associated with purchasing newer machines. If
you have any packaging equipment you would like to get off your hands, we
are happy to purchase it at a negotiable price. Even machinery that has
experienced heavy use could still operate efficiently.
New responsibilities and operations often come with newly
purchased packaging machines. Its important to make sure your employees know
how to operate this equipment, which is why we also offer operator training
services to improve the efficiency of your facilitys employees, and avoid a lack
of productivity in the workplace.Equip-5264-Markem Imaje 9040 Dual Head Printer
Markem 9040 Printer . This printer is a Dual printhead printer.
We have 3 instock.
Markem-Image Model 9040 small character inkjet printer, less than 1000 hours of use. up to 8 lines of text, print speed -5.5 m/s, font sizes from 5 dots to tow 24 dot lines, character height from 0.7,, to 18.2mm, can print 1d and 2d barcodes, dimensions – 18 deep x 47 tall x 18 wide, Purchased in Jan 2011, for 1000 hours then placed in storage after 3 months. Two heads with a single jet in each head.Equip-5265-Ishida Ishida Seal Tester Model TSC-A-060-HC Date of Manufacture 2004
Check the integrity of your packaging seals with this
Ishida seal tester from High Performance Packaging. This seal testing equipment
is designed to check integrities at high speeds and will detect and reject
blown seals before landing in the hands of packers. If you would like more
technical information and a free quote for this or any other product we carry,
contact us online or .
Seal testing equipment, like any other type of packaging equipment,
requires proper operation in order to maximize efficiency. If your packaging
line operators are unfamiliar with this type of machinery, we offer operator
training in order to help keep them knowledgeable and subsequently productive.
With operators who understand how every part of your packaging line works,
productivity will become less of a concern.
If you’re interested in selling equipment that your
production line can no longer use, we will purchase this equipment from you.
This will help other purchasers of the machines lower the costs of replacing
their equipment as well as the cost of manufacturing new machinery. We can also
fully restore packaging machinery at the buyer’s request in order to further
improve packaging line performance.Equip-5266-Markem Imaje S8 Dual Head Printers
Markem Imaje S8 dual head printers . We have 3 in stock
Equip-5267-Markem Imaje S4 Plus Printer
Markem Imaje S4 Plus Printers with Dual head We have three in stock.
Equip-5268-Hayssen 12-16 SF Ultima Packaging Line Bagger Machine
Get the Hayssen Bagger Model SF 12-16 Ultima available at
High Performance Packaging to increase the productivity of your packaging
lines. There are currently several in stock and they are ready for immediate
shipping. If you would like more information about this packaging machine or
any others High Performance Packaging offers, and well also
provide a free quote for any product we offer. Our full catalog is extensive
and contains many types of new and packaging machinery to enhance your
facilitys operations.
Without the proper operation behind any of our packaging
machines, your packaging lines wont see the productivity they can potentially
reach. In addition to packaging machinery, we offer operator training
services to help ensure you get the most out of the machines your facilities
All of the equipment we have in stock is fully
reconditioned to ideal working condition, and we accept most restorable types
of packaging equipment. Contact us today if you would like to sell any of your
packaging machinery.Equip-5269-Hayssen Ultima 12-16 HR Stainless Wash Down Machine